Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elder Rowley Hits the Big Apple

I know that the past couple of months have been a tough transition for Brian. He wasn't anticipating leaving Paris so abruptly and it's been a challenge. But judging by this photo, he still has some things to smile about. And speaking purely objectively? He sure is handsome.

This was taken at a baptism in the Jamaica Queens 1st Ward on Valentine's Day. Pretty good day for a new beginning.

We also found out this week that Brian will return home on or about August 18. And then, we will let the Wild Rumpus start!


Leah Z said...

Are specific characters in the Wild Things picture supposed to correspond to you, Steve and Brain? :)

Kelly said...

Brain? Is that a personal nickname of yours for Brian, Leah? =)

Lynn, that's so exciting that you have the official homecoming date! And I agree, he does look very handsome.

Leah Z said...

Yes, Elder Brain. And he calls me Pinky. We try to take over the world at least once a day.

But seriously -- can you believe people pay me to edit? :)

Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

L and K - You guys crack me up! Leah will forever be Pinky to me now.. but the question is, "what are we going to do tomorrow?"