Saturday, September 20, 2008

And So it Begins...

Well, the package has been delivered. Brian entered the Provo Missionary Training Center this last Wednesday.

First of all, thanks to all of you who helped make Brian's last weekend home so incredible. It was a wonderful and crazy weekend that reminded us of all the support we have enjoyed throughout all of our lives. Seeing and hearing from so many friends and family was truly overwhelming.

After a weekend filled with barbecues, parties, talks in church and packing for a mere two years, we flew down to Utah Tuesday evening. With over three months to prepare, of course we'd left way too much to the last minute, so there was plenty of scrambling, but we made it with only a few essentials forgotten (poor Brian had to enter the MTC without his BackStreet Boys tee-shirt. 'Hardly seems fair, does it? No worries, it's being fedexed down this week) Once in Provo, Brian was able to catch up with a few friends, all returned missionaries who were full of tips for surving and thriving in the MTC and having a great mission. As his temporary companion I was able to join in and hear the wisdom myself. The advice ranged from making your companion's bed, immersing yourself in the language, to choosing the bathroom as your service (apparently the MTC has great power washers for the bathroom that can be really entertaining). We also drove past so many places that were filled with memories of Brian's college experiences (does the MTC have to be in the same town he went to school???). This was a little painful, reminding Brian of so many things he'll miss over the next 24 months (or just four general conferences, as Brian would tell you).

The next morning we had a great breakfast with Brian's cousins, the McLaughlin's. It was the perfect way to spend what could have been a very stressful morning. We laughed and shared memories, and Derek had a few words of wisdom for Brian. Surprisingly enough, this counsel included making sure to choose bathrooms for service... again because of those crazy power washers. Derek also informed Brian to be proud of his "dork dot" (note the red dot on Brian's missionary tag. This dot lets everyone know that it is the wearers first day in the MTC and to take extra good care of them.) Derek said that there is power in the dork dot and suggested taking really good care of it, removing it carefully so that it can be put on again every Wednesday for that extra special treatment each week! Brian really picked up some gems for a successful MTC stint.

After one last phone call with Alicia (this one broke all of our hearts), we pulled into the MTC and Brian handed over his cell phone to his Dad. I was filled with awe when I saw the smile on Brian's face as we entered the grounds of the MTC. Knowing how difficult the last week or so had been saying farewells to everyone, especially that last goodbye, I was really inspired by Brian's commitment and great attitude.

We had heard so many conflicting experiences about the Missionary Training Center, we weren't sure what to expect. While it was definitely hard to say goodbye, we were grateful to get a glimpse of the MTC and feel the energy and wonderful spirit about the place. I was amazed when I saw the light in these young men and women's faces as they embarked on this great work and adventure. I expected to see a lot more fear and a lot less anticipation. They all looked excited and ready to go.

After some laughter and tears and hugs, we went out that door that we had heard so much about. We walked out and past one more opened door into the chapel where we had met. When we looked through we caught one last glimpse of Brian. He was hugging a young man who he'd known from college the year before who entered the MTC the same day. It was a great last moment to see he was in good hands and in good company.

"the last phone call" with Alicia
the standard shot every missionary must have
entering the doors of the MTC... with confidence?
Our last family photo for a while...
Thanks again to all who were here to support Brian last weekend and all who have supported our family throughout the years. While the house is quiet and empty, we are thrilled with this opportunity he has to serve the Lord. I also can find comfort that I'll be busy for at least the first few days... cleaning his room. I'm truly blessed :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Letter from Mom

Dearest Brian

I just had to write you a note of thanks.  Thank you for the joy you have brought to us each and every day of your life.  Thank you for your sense of humor, your love of a good laugh and your kind heart.

Thank you for your love of the absurd and your zest for life.  Thank you for countless baseball games and being the only kid who actually liked to hear his mom cheer.  Thank you for your shameless joy in a good Boy Band and for the fact that on your 19th birthday, you wanted to go to a Back Street Boys Concert.

Thank you for being not just my son, but my friend.  I have always been able to trust you with a confidence.  Thank you for not allowing me to take myself too seriously.  Thank you for trusting me with the occasional secret.  Thank you for luring me away from housework to sit next to you watching some stupid television show.  Thank you for "padding my stats" on this silly blog.

And thank you for making this choice, even when it is so difficult.  Even when there are so many reasons to stay, I'm so thankful that you are choosing the Lord's will.   I'm so grateful that you have the strength to make a hard decision, because it's what you feel is right.  A wise friend told me just last week that the Lord respects sacrifice.  She also said that the Lord will never allow Himself to be in our debt.  You will be blessed for your service, and you will bless the lives of others.

Thank you for the lesson you'll be giving me in prayer.  I promise you that I will pray more earnestly than I ever have.  I will pray for your health and your safety.  I'll pray for your strength and stamina.  I'll pray for your intellect and recall as you learn these challenging languages.  I'll pray for the people you teach.  

I love you with all my heart.  You are the light of our lives and your Dad and I are grateful every day for the blessing you are in our lives and the lives of those around you.

Thank you my dearest, darling boy.

I love you!!!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Two Practically Perfect Weekends

The past couple of weeks have gone past in a blur. Life has been hectic both at work and with last-minute preparations for Brian's mission. The weekends have been the perfect respite from the craziness.

Last weekend we started off on Lake Sammamish with the Blakely's. The water cooperated most of the time and everyone (excepting whimpy me!) got some great ski runs in. Luckily I bring my camera, so I'm invited on the boat anyway. It is so fun to watch the continual progress. Watching really top-notch skiers is a thing of beauty. It was a wonderful morning.

After the ski run, we celebrated with Breakfast at our favorite place in down town Kirkland. Brian has recently discovered Eggs Benedict, and it is changing his life... After the heavy brunch and Brian's nap (you'd swear he was either four or seventy-four, wouldn't you?), we headed to hills for a nice little hike to Barkley Creek. It was an easy 4.5 mile hike and it was so beautiful. I think everything seems a little more special knowing that we won't be able to do this for quite some time. We thoroughly enjoyed the beauty and each other's company.

While Brian is typically never in a rush, it was fun to watch him move us all along at a good pace... He was very concerned we'd finish after his favorite burger joint on Highway 2 was closed. I loved this rare burst of speed on the part of the Rowley males, because we kept a great pace, which I thrive on. And, miracle of miracles, we finished on time and were able to counteract any of the health benefits of the hike with burgers, onion rings and malts. Whew!

Thank heavens for the break because Labor Day brought true labor. It was Attic Cleaning Day. I think Brian was ready to divorce his mother. That being said, the attic has been cleared of 18 years of junk and I am seriously considering giving tours of it. Brian did a fabulous job laying down new plywood and organizing the remaining essentials. Essentials is defined as things we'll still never really need again but couldn't bring ourselves to part with.

There was real entertainment to be found in finding pieces of our history during the cleaning process. We found an East High School seat cushion (which of course Gail has claimed as her own), baby clothes, Brian's elementary school artwork and pictures of when we were all younger and thinner.

After an arm wrestle at the pickup where Steve kept taking things out of the DI pile and Lynn kept replacing them, we reach an amicable settlement (except I'm pretty sure that Steve stashed some stuff that was supposed to be thrown.... such is my life).

We finally completed the project just in time for last weekend. It was another fabulous one! Alicia arrived Thursday evening. We love spending time with her. She is energetic and fun and seems to roll with everything the Rowley's throw at her. And what we tend to throw at her is family and food!

Saturday morning we all went to another great breakfast joint. And when I say "all" I do mean "all". There were 22 of us. It was so wonderful and so loud having the family together again. Mike was in from Colorado and many of the McLaughlins from Provo and Eastern WA. The Armstrongs represented Central Washington so it was a fully house. After the heaviest breakfast on the planet (if you've been to the Brown Bag, you'll know what I'm talking about), we went en masse to the U of W/BYU game. For any one who missed the game, you really missed a game. What was supposed to have been a blow out became a real nail biter... but then you would expect nothing less of the Cougars! But in the end, victory prevailed (unless you were one of the tens of thousands of Husky fans in the stadium). There was a great contingency of cougar fans and we were loud! I certainly did my part and still have no voice today.

The final blocked Kick. Yikes!

The fun continued back at our place with take out from, of course, Thin Pan. No, it hasn't closed yet. Halleluiah!!!!! It was great food and a wonderful visit. Two of the highlights were cousins Ethan and Henry. These little guys are amazing! They are beautiful and so much fun. Sitting out on the picnic bench with "the girls" gossiping and watching the little ones play was one of those perfect moments that life gives you occasionally. I was having so much fun that I didn't take any photos... shame on me, but Steve did catch this one below of Ethan with his Papa Mike.
The older I get the more I am in awe at how blessed I am in my family. Both the Rowleys and the Beagleys are fun, supportive and more importantly, would walk through fire to help a family member. We are truly blessed. As great as the past couple of weekends have been, we are anticipating one more. Next week, Brian will be speaking in church so the families will be gathering one more time. Thank you to all of you who show us continued love and support.