Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Heart Will Go On... Maybe

If you were a normal person, it would be bad news. For the Rowley's, it is devastating. And for my visiting family members, why they may never return to Aunt Lynn's.

It is with a heavy heart, although possibly a shrinking waistline, that I announce that Thin Pan Thai Restaurant will be closing its doors in Kirkland.

For those poor infidels who have never tasted the the life-changing green beans, the Crying Tiger Salad which makes you weep with joy, and of course, the center of every meal I've ever enjoyed there: the Red Curry with Chicken, you can't understand. You don't know why I feel the need to play Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor, tear my clothes, and run through the streets screaming that the sky is falling.

There are two ways to find comfort during this dark time:

1. I have great memories there with dear friends and family members. Some highlights:

  • Taking Brian there for the first time as a young teenager. Me, nervous that my Big Mac loving son couldn't appreciate the complex flavors. And then watching him fall in love with the Thin Pan noodles that would become his trademark.
  • Wrangling Madison long enough to try to enjoy dinner with Corey and Karine and tipping heavily after the waitress had to clean up cups of rice from on and under the table.
  • Discovering that it was our good friends favorite place too and then spending the evening enjoying eachother's favorite menu items (and dressing alike in the bargain!),
  • Take out with Megan and Shane. (We learned from the whole Madison experience that The Thin Pan was probably not ready for Hank) Meg, I lost a little respect for you when you couldn't handle the heat of the Crying Tiger, but no one appreciates a spinach wrap like you girl.
  • Last month when many of the Beagley gang (those who stay up later than 8:15) closed down the joint. The food and company was so fabulous... truly one of my best restaurant experiences ever.

2. I still have at least six weeks to pound as much Thin Pan as possible... who's with me???

This is a picture of thai food not made at Thin Pan. I spit on it in disdain.

I should also draw comfort from the fact that there is talk of moving the restaurant to Seattle, but this to me feels a bit like salt in the wound. Because let's face it: we discovered this restaurant because of my early evening laziness. If I don't feel like cooking, can you really see me schlepping back to Seattle during rush hour for dinner?

How will I get through September? My favorite restaurant on the planet is closing. Oh, and that's right my son leaves for two years... What will I do without my Red Curry with Chicken?

Monday, July 21, 2008

When Nature Calls

Last year we were less than thrilled when a woodpecker decided to pretend our roof line was his personal leafy treetop.   We've talked about fixing it, but in typical Rowley fashion, we talk more than we actually fix.  In the meantime, these baby finches or starlings or whatever they are  (Jack Hanna, we're not) built their nests here.  

While we may not be the world's greatest pet lovers, we are also not completely heartless and couldn't bring ourselves to uproot the family.  We were so glad tonight that we hadn't evicted the tenants when we were all able to watch the birds' FHE.  The babies sat up in the "window", fought for a space and then waited for several adults to fly in and feed them.  The light wasn't great, so the pics are less than National Geographic, and the prose is certainly not up to Bethany's bear piece, but it was so much fun to watch.

The Bird Whisperer at Work

Nature Rocks!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Nod to the Old Country

For Mother's Day this year, Steve gave me a weekend getaway to Victoria, BC. We were finally able to actually make the trip a couple of weekends ago. It had been 25 years since we'd been back. It was such a wonderful few days.

Victoria at Night

It is a great trip, as it is close to home, and has a northwest feel, but also has a very real old-world charm. On a side note, it also happens to have the best breakfasts in the free world. I am so ready for eggs benedict again... although the arteries may need a little more recovery time.
In typical Steve-style, he splurged and we flew up on a little sea plane. The flights were amazingly beautiful. Very cool to see the beautiful part of the world we live in, from a very new perspective.

Orca playing off of the San Juan Islands... we saw at least a dozen. Were actually able to see a couple breach. We were so shocked, we couldn't get cameras ready in time. Amazing!
and below, the happy looky-loos!

Our Summer Home... or as some like to call it, Butchart Gardens

(if I could pick any home on earth, this would be it. )

One day we rented a motorcycle to tour the peninsula. We may have finally come up with a win-win situation here. Go some place beautiful which makes Lynn happy. Then rent a bike when you get there, thrilling Steve. I did love it too!

Flying home... over Seattle. It's not too ugly here either.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Hymn of Peace

While I have no reason for complaint, life has been stressful lately: from many sides. My work has a lot of uncertainties right now and we've had loved ones go through some real struggles. It seems the world has no peace to offer.

I'm so thankful for Sundays. They bring me that longed-for peace and perspective. I felt especially grateful on this past Sunday when we sang a hymn that I have paid little attention to in the past. This week it was exactly what I needed. It is a reminder of who truly is in control. I need to be prompted again and again that the Lord knows what is best for me and my family. That He will bring me what I need to learn and progress, if I will just turn things over to Him. He has proven this to me again and again. I'm thankful for His endless patience and that He gently reminded me one more time.

Lead, Kindly Light

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom; Lead thou me on!

The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead thou me on!

Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene—one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor pray’d that thou

Shouldst lead me on.

I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on!

I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,

Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.

So long thy pow’r hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on

O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till The night is gone.

And with the morn those angel faces smile,Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!

Text: John Henry Newman, 1801–1890 Music: John B. Dykes, 1823–1876

I'm thankful for the understanding that just because I can't clearly see the end of the path from the beginning, I do know who created it for me. And I know where it will lead me, if I have the faith and humility to follow it.