Monday, July 21, 2008

When Nature Calls

Last year we were less than thrilled when a woodpecker decided to pretend our roof line was his personal leafy treetop.   We've talked about fixing it, but in typical Rowley fashion, we talk more than we actually fix.  In the meantime, these baby finches or starlings or whatever they are  (Jack Hanna, we're not) built their nests here.  

While we may not be the world's greatest pet lovers, we are also not completely heartless and couldn't bring ourselves to uproot the family.  We were so glad tonight that we hadn't evicted the tenants when we were all able to watch the birds' FHE.  The babies sat up in the "window", fought for a space and then waited for several adults to fly in and feed them.  The light wasn't great, so the pics are less than National Geographic, and the prose is certainly not up to Bethany's bear piece, but it was so much fun to watch.

The Bird Whisperer at Work

Nature Rocks!


Lisette said...

It is amazing how they care for their young, we saw baby hummingbirds in Belize and they were sooooo tiny all tucked together in one nest.