Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Hymn of Peace

While I have no reason for complaint, life has been stressful lately: from many sides. My work has a lot of uncertainties right now and we've had loved ones go through some real struggles. It seems the world has no peace to offer.

I'm so thankful for Sundays. They bring me that longed-for peace and perspective. I felt especially grateful on this past Sunday when we sang a hymn that I have paid little attention to in the past. This week it was exactly what I needed. It is a reminder of who truly is in control. I need to be prompted again and again that the Lord knows what is best for me and my family. That He will bring me what I need to learn and progress, if I will just turn things over to Him. He has proven this to me again and again. I'm thankful for His endless patience and that He gently reminded me one more time.

Lead, Kindly Light

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom; Lead thou me on!

The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead thou me on!

Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene—one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor pray’d that thou

Shouldst lead me on.

I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on!

I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,

Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.

So long thy pow’r hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on

O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till The night is gone.

And with the morn those angel faces smile,Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!

Text: John Henry Newman, 1801–1890 Music: John B. Dykes, 1823–1876

I'm thankful for the understanding that just because I can't clearly see the end of the path from the beginning, I do know who created it for me. And I know where it will lead me, if I have the faith and humility to follow it.


Karine said...

I don't think I ever paid much attention to the words of that hymn as well. How beautiful and perfect it is for this time in our lives.
Thank you for sharing that. I truly needed it.
Love you,

Bethany said...

I love you, Lynn. You are one of my favorite people in the world. Nathan's too, though he'll deny it if you ask him.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to sing the hymn to myself but am having problems finding the melody. I've been using AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long" but it just doesn't seem to work. Some help please?

Seriously, I always forget my place in life. My momma always says God will humble you. He knows what buttons to push to bring you back front and center.
Love ya!
Mike B