Saturday, November 15, 2008

Where In the World.....?

We heard last month that our dear friend Alicia decided to serve an LDS mission.  As of last Sunday,  Alicia's Papers are in!  She should hear late next week where she will be serving. 

Steve is predicting that Alicia will be called to Costa Rica.  (If she is called to serve there, Steve is also predicting that we will be visiting her during her mission there!)  I am predicting Nicaragua, South Carolina or Taiwan (somewhere in that neighborhood anyway).  

Wherever Alicia serves, she will be such a powerful force.  Her love of others and her love of the Gospel are just two of the qualities she'll take with her.  We are so blessed by what she means to us and to Brian.

Where do you think she'll be called?  Bragging rights and a pizza to the closest pick!


The Beagleys said...

I didn't get to talk to Alicia much, but she is soooo cute! That is awesome she has decided to serve a mission! So my guess is going to be Brazil or Italy. Those are just lucky guesses (I hope) or I'm just incredibly in tune with the spirit! ;) And, by the way, I totally agree that we should all go out to eat! I love food and although we don't go out to eat often, it's such a treat when we do! So we should make a plan! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Cameron would be upset with me if I missed out on an opportunity to win him a pizza. My vote is Tennessee....if I legally get a second guess I will say North Carolina.


Karine said...

I am elated that her papers are in! I just adore that sweet girl.
My guess is that she will be called to serve in England.

Colene said...

I pick Spain. Do I need to fly out to you for the pizza or will you bring it to me? : ]

Bethany said...

She's too cute to not go Temple Square... (did I hide my bitterness well enough?)

Lisette said...

ooohhhh good one. I should have guessed that. darn.

The Johnson's said...

My prediction is Kennewick, WA. We need some righteous people up in here.