Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Good Day!

Is it ever good news when the phone rings at 5:40 am?  If you asked me this question at 5:39 this morning, I would give you a resounding, "NO!" but I've since changed my tune.  When I heard the phone ring I was sure that the server was down at the office or something worse.  Even when I saw the "pay phone" with an area code 801, it didn't sink in.  But when I heard my boy's voice at the end of the line, I was awake and alert!

Elder Rowley had some visa issues he needed to clear up.  So, he took a "day trip" to San Francisco with a few other Elders.  'Such a mover and a shaker.  He was able to call us from the airport.

He sounded upbeat and like life is good.  He says it's hard and that the long hours of study challenge him.  He also said that he is "getting better at it" and that his favorite part of study is reading his scriptures.  He says he loves his time with the scriptures.  I took this as a very good sign.  He mentioned the powerful Spirit that he feels in the MTC in both his letters and his conversation today.

He's been overwhelmed with the packages and letters he's received.  It's meant the world to him during a pretty big transition.  Thanks to all who've given him so much support.

On the phone he mentioned that he's supposed to exude "quiet dignity.... whatever that means."  I love that boy! 

He also says he's very impressed with the Sister Missionaries.  He says it's liberating to be around girls without any need to impress them.  He mentioned that he is doing his best to make himself as "unattractive as possible" to them.   I am in awe of the sacrifices this young man continues to make.  I hope he is able to shield enough of his charisma so that he won't be a distraction to the young maidens.  

Having a surprise call was incredible and it was a wonderful way to spend an hour!

If by chance you want to write to him:

MTC Mailbox #183
FRA-PAR 1201
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT  84604-1793

you can also use  Letters are delivered for free the same day you send them (if prior to noon).


Bethany said...

It is good to learn the power of Sister missionaries early. It will ensure baked goods coming for the next two years. Trust me, I used my apple pie for more bribery than I care to admit! And I think we may have already discovered Brian's cross to bear for the duration of his service - his hotness. So close, yet so far away...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, "Quiet Dignity: The unofficial witch-hunt of the MTC"

I never quite mastered that one, but I did have a lot of fun. Sounds like Brian is doing well too.
