It was touch and go for a while... but it looks like he'll pull through.
After 45 grueling minutes in surgery to have his wisdom teeth removed and have some bone grafting done (those in the know will recall that Brian knocked out his front teeth back in 2002. Now that he's full grown, we're prepping for tooth implants for him), mom was there to pick up her Angel Baby. Correction: her completely stoned Angel Baby. Brian was cracking up the entire Surgery Center with his antics... (apparently he just gets louder when he's high). It took him about 5 minutes to realize that the reason talking was such a challenge was that he had about 1/2 pound of gauze in his mouth. Then, he assured all of us that he was not "under the influence" and that he'd just "manned through" the surgery. He did a little dance for me in the Elevator that was most impressive and then skipped to the car.
Having a sense that the tide could turn at any moment, I #1, stopped at McDonalds for a Milk Shake for Brian as he hadn't been able to eat all day prior to surgery... (Okay, Yeah... I got one for myself too... and some fries... so sue me!). and #2, I ran into the nearest Safeway for narcotics. After a half hour watching them try to work out our insurance (argggghhh!), I went back to the car. It was Not Pretty. Brian was by now very uncomfortable, but also covered in a mixture of chocolate milk shake (you'll recall that he couldn't feel his lower lip and his aim was off) and blood.
So, three days, 20 percocet and 28 firecracker popsicles later (this is an accurate count), Brian is definitely on the mend. As of tomorrow morning, I am retiring as his personal maid. Being back at work will definitely be a relief!!! I'm a bit slow, but I realized that when he could play Guitar Hero at Expert Level for over an hour, he could probably have the strength to get to the fridge...
As you can see by the photo below, he's doing better and looking as handsome as ever!
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