Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Clear, Bright and Famous Girl


I found out this morning that your name means "clear, bright and famous". How perfectly named you are! You stand out wherever you are because of your vibrance, zest and the joy you find in everything you do. What a happy life Jared will have. You make every room you enter a funner, more exciting and more energy-filled place than it was before you arrived. You are one of the few people I know whose child-like wonder and joy has not been dimmed by "maturity".

Watching you grow and blossom has been a great joy in the lives of the Rowley family. You've been a sister to my son and we'll never forget the way he would follow you wherever you led. If Clair was going there it must be a really cool place!

Every sign shows that you've found the perfect companion in Jared. I love that he appreciates all those fine qualities you have. We love you and treasure that we will share this weekend with you. If your lives brings you just a fraction of the joy you've brought to others, you will truly be happy.


Anonymous said...

claire you are so great and i am so freaking happy for you!!!!! you are like my bigger sister and i am excited for you to get married although i will miss you a ton! love ya claire!


p.s. i hope you have fun with your blond hubby!!!!

Andrea Bishop said...

This doesn't have much to do with this posting, but I just wanted to say yeah!! I am so glad you found our blog. Keep checking it out for updates and I'll add you guys to my friends list! Great to hear from you!