Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Perhaps I Live in Cranford

Since the Jane Austen series on PBS, I've returned to my roots and become sucked back into the world that is Masterpiece Theatre. Yeah, yeah, I know the name has changed and now it is hosted by the X Files chick (and can someone please tell me how that happened??) but for me, it will always be Masterpiece Theatre hosted by Alistair Cooke. I remember watching every Sunday night w/ my mom and dad on the burnt orange sofa.

And now I'm back. Sunday nights dragging Steve to the sofa to watch the latest. And the latest has been incredible!!! It's Cranford, adapted from three Elizabeth Gaskill novels. It's centered on the women of a very small English village in the 1840's. The town never changes, nor do its inhabitants... It is funny, sad and completely endearing. Two-thirds of the way through the episodes, I realized why I was so drawn to this village. I think it is actually the Rosehill Ward.

Could this be Mindy?

The characters are flawed but so loveable, rigid except when their friends are in need, and quirky but absolutely reliable. This is what I treasure in both Cranford and Rosehill.

Time and time again, we've shared in eachother's joys and sorrows. We've "married 'em & buried 'em" together... We've grown older, but better, ladies. And I'm grateful to be a part of our little tucked away village.

p.s. I have burned the episodes on DVD. They are a "must see". Let me know if you are interested! Cindy gets first dibs as recovery from the wedding!!!


The Bishops said...

It is so great to hear that you also have a blog! It looks like Brian is enjoying college. I looked back at the other posts, love the dancing!! :) What an awesome vacation you guys took, have to tell you I'm in need of a real vaca!! I hope to see you soon!!

Colene said...

Hey Lynn, I've had fun checking out your blog! This will be a great way to keep in touch. If you ever need a travel buddy give me a call ; ] Hugs!