Jolene and Brian's "engagement portrait", 2006
And it all was made possible because one person decided to do something and then followed through... 100%. This is the second evening like this that our friend, Erin Christensen arranged. It's true, that Erin had a lot of help from so many. But without her hard work and vision nothing would have happened. It was Erin who found people to volunteer time, food, flowers, talents and so much more. It was Erin who somehow managed to create an incredible evening where absolutely every dollar donated went to fight the disease. Not a penny went to the food, the facility, the entertainment or the venue. I don't know how she did it. But Erin made it happen.
Erin Christensen did not lose a sister or a daughter or a niece to CF. But seeing her friend go through a terrible loss, she decided she would do something... and then, she did. She didn't hold back, she didn't let a very full life with toddler twin boys or the many demands she has on her time stop her. She didn't let an bad economy or a hundred other worries she must have had hold her back. And I am grateful for her focus, her good nature, her kindness and her tenacity.
People like Erin make me want to do more. To work hard for a good cause without counting the cost. To reach out with energy and joy. To make a difference.
Erin did much more than raise money to battle a disease. This in itself would have been incredibly noble. But in addition, she lifted hearts, strengthened hope and brought people together. Erin reminded each of us that we too can make a difference.
The world needs more people like Erin that is for sure. Thank you for including us in such a wonderful evening.
We are excited for our chips and salsa, I mean bowling ;)
I am so glad we could all be there as a family to celebrate Jolene's life, and continue fighting the battle of CF. Erin truly is such an example of sacrifice and hard work. I sure have a lot to learn from her!
Love ya Auntie!
You and your family are always the examples to me Lynn....thank you so much for all you do. I am thankful to be counted as friends of the Armstrong/Waggoner/Rowley family! :) AND....I am SO glad that all of you had a great time that night, I sure had a blast!
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