Monday, February 22, 2010

Julie & Julia... & Lynn?

Okay, I'm re-committing to blogging... not every day, but when something strikes me. And today, something did. 'Dropped by the grocery store and grabbed a few things that sounded good. First thing on my list? Butternut squash. We've become addicts this winter. Arrived home with the squash and a few other fruits and vegetables (the cadbury eggs are considered a fruit, by the way).I omitted the bacon, baked the squash brushed with a touch of olive oil for about an hour prior to tossing in with the chicken. I had cilantro instead of parsley, so used that instead and actually think it was better for it. I also added one and a half bananas... they are amazing, by the way... Then I served over quinoa. Tasty and v. healthy.

Steve, in his best "Top Chef" voice told me my flavor profiles were perfection. (This is why I cook for this man).

What a nice Monday-night miracle to find a new, untried recipe which you have all the ingredients for... and you end up loving it!!! And now, my husband is cleaning up the dishes as I blog... (another reason I cook for him!) ahh... life is as sweet as those bananas in honey. Now if I could just figure out the margin alignments on my blog... Getting greedy, I guess.

Printed from COOKS.COM

2 chicken breasts, cut into cubes.
3-4 slices of bacon (optional)
1 banana, sliced
1/2 of a butternut squash, cubed (or more if wanted)
parsley, salt, pepper
1 can tinned sweet corn
a little honey

Sauté the chicken, bacon (optional) and butternut squash. When nearly done, push everything to one side of the pan. Add the banana and a squirt of honey; sauté the banana in the honey over medium-high heat.

Add the sweet corn and some fresh parsley, and a good dollop of butter. Mix altogether, making sure chicken is cooked.

Serve hot. A sweet, buttery dish... great on a cold day.


Lisette said...

Back to back blog posts, I am in heaven. We just had the missionaries over for dinner and i gave them the lamest meal, wished I had read your post first and maybe they would have dined better. Once they left Cameron reminded me i did not serve them dessert, i told him the fruit salad WAS the dessert :) too bad I did not have a stash of Cadbury eggs.

Anonymous said...

so funny, i am actually perusing blogs while I'm watching Julie and Julia for the first time right now! And this recipe sounds utterly delicious. Thanks for posting, I can't wait to try it!!

Leah Z said...

Thanks for the recipe recommendation. We've been cooking the recipe below for butternut squash soup all winter. It's delicious as a soup, but we like it even better as a sauce over tortellini.