Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Individual Bravery & Sisterly Solidarity

My friend A has had a rough winter. In December she was rushed in for emergency surgery. This surgery is to be followed by another operation, as well as chemo and radiation treatments. But in her typical way, A has handled it with grace, humor and faith. And a whole lot of courage...

On Thursday night, the night before her first round of chemo, A hosted a party. A Headshaving Party. You see, A wanted to choose when and how her hair would go (as I mentioned, this woman has some spunk to her!). So, she invited a dozen women or so to come join in on the experience. I must say, I went with some very real fear in my heart.

But I learned another great lesson on Thursday. Women can have fun doing just about anything. We ate, laughed and swapped stories as A's sister cut and then shaved her head. Several took turns shaving A's head, to get in on the action. Of course they tried a mohawk before the final "do" just to see what it would be like... after all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And then, a real miracle occured. Several friends chose to join her. It was awe inspiring to watch these women (and a couple of men) choose to share just a bit in A's path. The miracle of friendship is a powerful thing. The best part of all was seeing these women with their new hair-do's.

I realized that I had never seen any of them look more beautiful!

It was a great night... until I returned home to share with Steve this enpowering experience. He listened, impressed and inspired as I was. When I finished he said, "why didn't you join in and shave your head? I'm disappointed in you." I know... can you believe it? He knows my deep-dark secret and still he was so insensitive. I gasped, grabbed his hand, held it it the back of my head and said, "How can you say that when you know about the hideous lump on my head! I would need an additional hat just for my bump!" Well, at least my husband understands the power of sisterhood... but really, if you'd felt the horrible bump (which may in actuality be my lifeless twin), you wouldn't ask this of me! My life lesson from the night is that women are good and my husband is kind of mean. Although, I've got to say neither of these gems came as huge surprises to me.

I am grateful for the women in my life who have more courage and faith (not to mention better shaped-heads) than I do. I am so grateful that I am surrounded by this force in my life. God bless you A. I know that you will be sustained, strengthened and uplifted over the coming weeks. And I know we'll all be changed by the experience. I'm also honestly grateful for my mean husband who loves courage and compassion more than locks of hair. Even though he was pretty mean.


Lisette said...

Your posts are always straight from the heart. It is definitely all about quality verses quantity with your posts. I enjoy reading them immensely and what a special night you were able to take part in. I am with you, I think I would be terrified to shave my head, who knows what I might find under there.

Chelsey said...

I was so happy to read your blog! The blog world is fun isn't it. Both you and Karine are writers! It must be in your gene pool! I added you to my blog links. wow what a story!

The Beagleys said...

Lynn, thank you for sharing this! It is a very inspiring story!...and men are kind of mean sometimes! ;) Thanks for making me cry when I should be getting ready for church! ;) Love you!

Karine said...

I loved this Aunt Lynn, you had my crying and laughing! Peoples strength and courage never cease to amaze me. Thank you for sharing this.
Also, thank you for not shaving your head. I have felt the lump your noggin carries, and know you have a lot of hair for a good reason!
Love ya tons,