Thursday, June 26, 2008

When the Family Gets Together

As promised, below is photographic evidence of the weekend's festivities:

Mark looks smarter post Graduation, don't you think?

Megan and Anne, aren't they pretty?

We're really proud of Corey's progress.

Maddie, or as I call her, Little Miss Sassimifrass

Brian and Alicia: The Cutest Couple Ever

Gibson: He Represents the Lollypop Guild

Me and My Daddy

Gail, showing off her Birthday Bling

Amanda, I'm sorry that I didn't get the "girls in black and white" posted, but your Aunt appeared to have no neck, and I figured she'd kill me if I published it!

Thanks to all the family who made it a great weekend, with a special shout out to Paul and Teri for hosting Saturday's get together. To all who couldn't be there... well, ya' snooze ya' looze.

ONE FINAL CLARIFICATION: Apparently Brian isn't as attractive as I think he is, because everyone seems to think that the Wisdom Teeth Photos (May 26 Post) are actually of him. These are, in actuality, shots pulled from the internet of people who probably weren't that attractive to begin with. So, either Brian isn't as cute as I've always assumed, or you people have no sense of humor: You Decide.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Parle Vous.... Chinese???

The envelope arrived.  

Elder Brian Nash Rowley will be entering the Mission Training Center on September 17.  He will be serving in Paris, France and speaking Mandarin.  Yes, Mandarin.  The words we've heard Brian repeatedly say to friends and family are over the past twenty-four hours are, "no, I'm not kidding."

Steve has been online trying to learn Mandarin via the web....  Hmm.  I'm not sure how effective it is, but it is wildly entertaining.

It's been a wonderful weekend full of friends and family.  We celebrated my nephew Matt's upcoming mission to Boston, Mass and my sister Gail's birthday together and have laughed and laughed.  We also were thrilled to share a few days with Brian's friend, Alicia.  She is a lovely girl and we had a great time with her.  She fit right in and could even put up with the impressive volume our family can generate.  I'll report more details in a couple days and post a few pics.  As for now, I'm off to the beach with my sisters for a couple of days...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Junuary Bites

This is from the front page of the newspaper today...

Yes, it's colder in Seattle than in "The IceBox of the Nation" or stinking Siberia.

That's all that I have to say.