Monday, August 25, 2008

The Powell Project V

Kelly Giving us a Clinic

The Rowley's have become spoiled.  Each year since 2004, the Nash Family has included us in an annual Lake Powell trip.

Here's a brief rundown on why we keep returning. (why they keep inviting us is another question altogether)

First and foremost, 

The People: The Nash Family and their extended family and friends are the cream o' the crop. They are fun, energetic, positive and hilarious.

The Adventure: Just a few highlights from our years' on the Lake are captured below.
  • Nine-year-old Pete sleep-walking right off the 2nd story of HouseBoat.

  • Lynn cliff jumping off an enormous (at least  6-foot) cliff to an encouraging choir singing a Pocahantas medley

  • SPA Day. 'Nuff Said.

  • Two cracked ribs in one week... You gotta' love those crazy High Priests.

  • Two VERY memorable bonfires! It's a miracle all fingers and toes are in place

The Beauty.  While I'm not  typically a "desert" person, the immensity of the canyons and the color of the rock and sky are so impressive.  It is the antithesis of Seattle scenery and it is awe inspiring.

The Stories.  It is a week-long gab fest.  It is so fun to get caught up with old friends and new ones, share opinions on books and politics (my apologies to the entire boat, by the way for my leftist leanings), be universally disgusted by the People, Us and Hello magazines that we stood in line to buy (okay, that I stood in line to buy) and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Each trip has truly been a treasure and we thank our gracious hosts and their wonderful friends for another memorable year.

I think they're happy
Steve had a great wakeboard run

Karen:  Way to Represent!

the ski gods
the whole gang 
the youngun's
good clean fun
this is before the explosion
It's hard to take in he beauty and size of the place
Ski King Was Ready
Water Ballet - am not sure why we weren't in the Olympics
Laura taking down not one, but two strapping young men... at 25 mph

Monday, August 18, 2008

Worst Olympic Moment Ever!!!!

Like the rest of the world, the Rowley's have been enamored by the 2008 Summer Games. We thrilled with Michael Phelps when somehow he pulled off that miracle touch to bring him the 7th of his 8 gold medals at the Games. Our hearts broke for my 41-year old inspiration, Dara Torres, when she was denied the gold in the relay after outswimming everyone in the pool. There were other disappointments along the way...

But the worst moment of my Olympic Experience is as follows:

After a long Sunday (sometimes the whole "day of rest" thing is more of a theory than reality), Steve and I lay down in bed to watch a few minutes of the gymnastics competition before drifting off to sleep. We were fortunate to watch the Pixie Athletes in the vaulting competion.

A little background might be helpful at this point: the Rowley's tend to be a bit passionate about sports. It matters not that 15 minutes before we didn't know a game was on, once we are spectators, these matches become like those in the Parthenon: life and death.

The other important thing to know is that Steve has a gift. He can tell how well a game is being officiated, even when he's not in the room to view it. And the reffing NEVER goes his way. It is really very strange that in all the years that Steve has watched sports and all the games (that through his power of discernment) he's been able to tell were fixed by poor officiating, the ref's were never being paid off by HIS team. Strange indeed. Ahem. I digress....

So, back to Sunday night's vaulting competition. Although this was meant to be relaxing, emotions are already running high by the news blurb on Alicia Sacramone's disappointment about the all around event. Steve and I were ready to adopt her after Chris Collingsworth's interview... and then the Vault Competition.

Poor little rich girl Alicia has to start. Steve and I spend 5 minutes discussing why this is unfair and why the other contestants shouldn't have to be locked in a darkened sound proof booth for her performance. I mean they can do it for Jerry Springer, but they can't pull it off at the Olympics????

Alicia gets off two solid vaults and then she must wait. Other vaulters come forward with varying degrees of success. Alicia is clinging to the Bronze by her size 2 1/2 fingertips. And then comes China's Cheng Fei. World Champion. After two stumbles Steve is appalled by her scores that finally do rob Angel Baby Alicia of another medal. He discusses the "hometown effect" and corrupt, slopping officiating. Ever the voice of reason, I sweetly remind Steve that he may not be exactly expert in the field of judging the Vault. I educate him on terms like "level of difficulty". His blood pressure is finally beginning to drop when who should pop on the screen with my boy Bob, but Bella Karolyi who spends the next 10 minutes ranting about the unacceptable sloppy judging of the Vaulting Competition and how darling Alicia Sacramone has been robbed.

Steve practically levitated about the bed. "See?? See??"

This moment in itself would have been annoying. I mean, One never really wants to see one's spouse be right, now do they? But the worst part is that Steve feels total vindication for every "poorly called" game he has ever witnessed... I can spy into the future and every time, between now and the London Olympics, that I question Steve's un-biased analysis, I'll hear, "Remember Bella??"

2012 is a long way off.

I Blame This Man.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sucking Up Those Negative Ions

After a couple of stressful work weeks, and "honey do" weekends (exciting things like cleaning out carports and sheds) the Rowley's decided to get back to their strengths: doing nothing productive.

We took a very quick overnight trip to the beach.  The itinerary went something like this:
  •   9 pm  Arriving into town late Friday evening and eating copious amounts of seafood.
  • 11 pm  Laying around reading and watching TV fighting off food coma and swearing we'd never eat that much again.
  • 8 am  Saturday morning  walk on the beach.  Those who know Brian will be surprised to learn that he slept through this.  Ahh, his lucky missionary companion!
  • 11 am  Late breakfast, eating copious amounts of seafood.
  • 12 pm  Renting pseudo-powerful scooters allowing Steve and Brian to race (ask Brian who won!) and Brian to chase seagulls until he was very kindly informed by a beach warden that this was an illegal activity.
  • 2 pm  Climbing around the jetty.
  • 6 pm  Returning home Saturday evening to get back in time to catch The Dark Knight.  Intense movie, by the way!
The trip was way too short, but it was fun to grab a  weekend together and just enjoy one another's company.  We're trying to squeeze in as much fun as we can before September 17.   This may be challenging, but again, as we dig deep, and draw upon our natural talent for avoiding responsibility, we think we can pull it off!

They're scruffy, but they're handsome and they're mine!

This one's for Alicia...

He's the King of the World!

We may be old.  But we're still stupid.

Wow.  A man and his machine.